The Full Story
Downtown Peru Name and Logo
The design of the name and logo of Downtown Peru incorporates several aspects related to the life story of chef Laly Acosta, her roots, her Peruvian heritage, which includes the Inca culture, her passion for cooking, having grown up surrounded by pots, plates and natural ingredients since she was a child. The design also maintains synergy with the town of Hammonton, a town full of stories of immigrants who know how to fight to achieve their dreams and get ahead.
The font represents solidity and simplicity, subtle curves, similar to the steel of kitchen utensils and tables, and will also be incorporated into the decoration of the restaurant.
The red color represents the warmth and passion with which Laly prepares the dishes, while it is a representative color of Peru, her country of origin. Gold represents the culinary richness of Peru, the Inca culture and the grandeur with which each of the dishes are presented. The combination of both colors is the delicacy with which the ingredients are combined, very important aspects in the preparation of Peruvian dishes.
The presence of a golden sun, warm and inspired by designs of the pre-Incan and Incan cultures, which is also the representative and highest god of this culture, the circular design has, in addition to the Incan features, the presence of the letters D and P in the center; The D for Downtown and the P for Peru. In addition, the design served as a basis to add subtle touches and movement to the name of the restaurant, which gives it dynamics, which is an important part of any kitchen. In essence, the design of the name of Downtown Peru incorporates warmth, grandeur, dynamics, history and passion; all the elements that are found in the dishes served in the restaurant.